Events in Torun: 12-16 september 2023


Film Summary

The Toruń inauguration of the World Copernican Congress began the celebrations of the Year of Nicolaus Copernicus. The NCU TV team prepared the footage summarising the February event.

2023 has been declared the Year of Nicolaus Copernicus by the Polish Parliament. To mark the 550th anniversary of the birth of the most famous astronomer, the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, in collaboration with Jagiellonian University in Kraków, the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and the Institute of the History of Science at the Polish Academy of Sciences, has prepared the World Copernicus Congress. This event aims to present the state of research into the life and work of Nicolaus Copernicus, as well as his impact on the development of science, culture and the arts.

The Congress was inaugurated on 19 February in Toruń. The celebration was attended by representatives of the national, regional and city authorities, the rectors of the universities co-organising the Congress, representatives of universities from the region and other distinguished guests. An essential highlight of the ceremony was the inaugural lecture by Professor Philip James Edwin Peebles, Canadian astronomer and cosmologist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2019.

Reminding, the World Copernican Congress has a 'rolling' formula. After the Toruń inauguration, held on 19 February, the sessions will be held successively in Kraków (24-26 May) and Olsztyn (21-24 June), to return to Toruń in September (11-15 September).

Economists, philosophers and researchers in the history of these disciplines will meet in Krakow. The programme will include a philosophical section on "The Copernican Legacy" and an economics section on "Around Money", the aim of which is to recall Nicolaus Copernicus' treatise "Monetae cudendae ratio", addressing the value of money and monetary reform.

The Olsztyn events of the Congress will focus on the astronomer's biography and the museums dedicated to him. A biographical section entitled "Nicolaus Copernicus - life and work" will present, among other things, the astronomer's education and youth and his public activities, and a museum-conservation section will focus on problems related to the study, inventory and maintenance of historical objects directly associated with the figure of Nicolaus Copernicus.

The September events of the Congress, when the proceedings return to Toruń, will bring together historians, cultural and literary researchers, art historians, astronomers and historians of astronomy, and representatives of the medical sciences. These events will be held in six sections, including astronomy, cultural studies, history of medicine, medicine, teachers, and youth sections.

The 41st Congress of the Polish Astronomical Society will be held during the Copernican World Congress to mark its 100th anniversary.
Congress website: 
Social media of the World Copernican Congress:


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