Travel Broadens The Mind
"Peregrinatio medica" is a historical term for various educational travels undertaken by medical doctors. The History of Medicine section, which will be held during the Torun part of the World Copernican Congress on September 13-14, will be dedicated to this topic.
The History of Medicine section is the conference "Travel(s) and Learning: Medical Travels, Transfer of Knowledge, and Cultural Exchange in East-Central Europe over Centuries – XIX Biannual Conference of the German-Polish Society for the History of Medicine" organised by the German-Polish Society for the History of Medicine in cooperation with the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poznan University of Medical Sciences and the Heinrich Heine Universität in Düsseldorf.
The aim of the conference is to analyse the issue of medical travel in Central and Eastern Europe and its impact on the Polish and German cultural space in the period from the life of Nicolaus Copernicus to around 1989.
Online pre-registration:
Participation in the proceedings of the World Copernican Congress requires online pre-registration.
To register for an event, you must first create a user account on the Torun part of the World Copernican Congress website:
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