Written in Memory
Studies on memory are the common denominator of three panels, including Anthropology Panel, Literary Studies Panel, and History and Art Panel, which make up the Cultural Studies Section. The section is yet another part of the Torun celebrations of the World Copernican Congress. Its deliberations will take place on September 13-15, 2023.
The Cultural Studies Section "Nicolaus Copernicus and the Culture of Remembrance" aims to re-read and redefine the figure of Copernicus through the prism of the memory about him, the heritage present in various European and non-European cultures. It is not about delving into Nicolaus Copernicus, his life and work, but to the memory about him and his work, the various forms of his presence in literature or art, in popular culture, in space, symbols, memorabilia, etc.
- The Anthropology Panel will mainly concern the presence of the figure and the heritage of Copernicus' thought and ideas in literature and the dramatic arts,
The Literary Studies Panel will focuson issues related to socially and culturally oriented studies of the memory of Copernicus,
- The History and Art Panel will cover the history of artistic implementations and transformations of Copernican ideas, as well as the commemoration of the figure of Copernicus himself.
The section program and details regarding the panels can be found on the event sub-page. While reviewing the content, it is worth paying attention to the presentations of such speakers as prof. Pamela Smith (Columbia University, USA), prof. Rens Bod (University of Amsterdam), dr hab. Hubert Łaszkiewicz (University of Warsaw), prof. dr. Renato de Oliveira Brito (The Catholic University of Brasil, Brazil) and prof. dr. hab. Michał Kokowski (Polish Academy of Sciences).
Online pre-registration:
Participation in the proceedings of the World Copernican Congress requires online pre-registration.
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