Events in Torun: 12-16 september 2023

The 'Medicine' section

About the section

The medical section entitled 'From Copernicus to the present day' presents the profiles and achievements of the most eminent representatives of the medical world associated with the Kuyavian-Pomeranian region from the 15th to the 21st century. The inspiration for this initiative is of course Nicolaus Copernicus, who was also a practising physician. The astronomer studied medicine in Padua, which at the time boasted excellent professors. The knowledge and skills Copernicus acquired were used to treat some of the most prominent figures in his circle. This practice became a cause for reflection on the state of medical knowledge in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region in the past.

The section has a popular science character and is addressed to all interested in the history of medicine and the progress of human civilisation. The organisers of the section are employees of the Nicolaus Copernicus University Medical College in Toruń. 

The section consists of a series of lectures on topics from the world of medicine - both contemporary medicine and the history of the region and humankind as a whole. Participants will have the opportunity to hear about Copernicus as a physician and the great scientist Samuel Soemmering. Profiles of other local doctors will also be presented, including Nobel Prize winner Tadeusz Reichstein, a researcher of steroid hormones and vitamin C. The history of the development of surgery, homoeopathy and the treatment of animals in the past will be presented. 

The event is held exclusively in Polish.


Main organiser


Section Programme (in Polish) 

Admission to the event is free, and no registration is required, but you can add this event to your plan to attend the Congress and then browse through them on your created user account. To create your plan you must first create a user account on the Torun part of the World Copernican Congress website: and log in.


Honorary patronage

The event was held under the honorary patronage of the Vice-Chancellor for the Medical College, Prof. Kornelia Kędziora-Kornatowska.

Patrons of the section