Events in Torun: 12-16 september 2023

General information

The Main Office

The Main Office of the Congress is located in Collegium Humanisticum, ul. W. Bojarskiego 1, 87-100 Toruń.

The main office is responsible for signing travel orders and issuing documentation necessary for the reimbursement of travelling expenses (in order to receive the reimbursement, a ticket or other proof of travel needs to be provided with the application) (download file, pdf, 193 KB). 

Reception desk

There are two reception desks:

  • for the history of astronomy section – located in the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, ul. Jurija Gagarina 13a
  • for the remaining sections – located in Collegium Humanisticum, ul. W. Bojarskiego 1

At the reception desk you can collect your ID badge and obtain information about the program of the Congress.

ID badges

You need to have your ID badge with you during all the proceedings and events organised as a part of the Congress. You can collect your ID badge at the reception desk. In the case of losing or damaging the ID badge, a new badge will be issued by the main office.


The proceedings will be held in Polish and English.

Internet access

The participants will be able to access the local network after obtaining the password from the reception desk.