The Year Revolving around Copernicus
The conference summarising the World Copernican Congress, held in Toruń on 15 December, was the highlight of the NCU's celebrations of the Year of Nicolaus Copernicus.

Copernican year project
The visual identification of the World Copernican Congress created by has been nominated in the Design of the Year competition organised by the Association of Graphic Designers in Warsaw. The jury's verdict will be announced on 21 October.
The World Copernican Congress has just come full circle
A lecture by the eminent astrophysicist Professor Ewine van Dishoeck, the awarding of Copernican Medals and a concert by Anna Maria Jopek all added splendour to the closing ceremony of the World Copernican Congress on 15 September, which came full circle in Toruń after a nearly seven-month journey.
Welcome to Copenican Integration Centre
- The Copernicus Integration Centre will be a long-lasting and vibrant reminder of the Year of Nicolaus Copernicus,' said Prof dr habil. Andrzej Sokala, NCU Rector, during the official opening of the Centre on 12 September.
A congress with a future
– We are in for days filled with Copernicus and its heritage, as well as inspiring meetings and discussions,' said Prof. dr habil. Andrzej Sokala, NCU Rector, during the official inauguration of the Toruń part of the World Copernican Congress held on 12 September. On that day, a letter of intent to create an International Centre for Copernican Studies was also signed.
Everything You Would Like to Know about Copernicus
Was Copernicus a woman? How did Copernicus move the Earth? Prof. dr. hab. Krzysztof Mikulski, Director of the NCU Centre for Copernican Studies, answers the most frequently searched questions on Google about the famous astronomer.
Toruń around the World Copernican Congress
Exhibitions, debates, meetings, tastings – the proceedings of the Toruń part of the Copernican World Congress will be complemented by numerous accompanying events.
Finale of the World Copernican Congress
The final part of the celebrations of the World Copernican Congress touring Poland and following the map of Nicolaus Copernicus' life and profession is now on its way. From 12 to 16 September, Toruń will again be the venue for the congress' scientific and cultural events.
Travel Broadens The Mind
"Peregrinatio medica" is a historical term for various educational travels undertaken by medical doctors. The History of Medicine section, which will be held during the Torun part of the World Copernican Congress on September 13-14, will be dedicated to this topic.
Registration has started
On August 22, registration for the Toruń part of the World Copernican Congress started. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the guidelines on the registration procedure.

Written in Memory
Studies on memory are the common denominator of three panels, including Anthropology Panel, Literary Studies Panel, and History and Art Panel, which make up the Cultural Studies Section. The section is yet another part of the Torun celebrations of the World Copernican Congress. Its deliberations will take place on September 13-15, 2023.

The Development of Medicine under the Magnifying Glass
Many people forget that Nicolaus Copernicus was not only an astronomer or a lawyer, but also a medical doctor. This specialization became an inspiration for organising a medical section, the objective of which is to present the profiles of the most prominent physicians associated with the Kuyavian-Pomeranian region from the time of Copernicus to the 20th century.
Around Competitions and Workshops
We know the programs of the next thematic sections of the Torun events of the World Copernican Congress. We encourage you to read more about the Youth Section and the Education Section for Teachers, which will be held on September 15 and 16.

Worth Knowing
How to register for the events of the Torun part of the World Copernican Congress? Where will the sessions be held? Where can speakers pick up their badges? These and other information can be found in the "Worth Knowing" tab.
Copernicus and astronomy
The last part of the World Copernican Congress is fast approaching. The proceedings in Toruń are going to begin on 12 September 2023 and will be held in six thematic sessions. The program and details about the first of those sessions are presented below.
The Next Step: World Copernican Congress in Olsztyn
Nicolaus Copernicus' biography, museum and conservation issues dedicated to memorabilia associated with the astronomer's work and achievements are the main topics of the third part of the World Copernican Congress, which will be held from 21 to 24 June at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

Copernicus moves Kraków
- The nationwide celebrations of the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus' birth and the accompanying World Copernican Congress are the best opportunity to return in various ways to the original thought of De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, reminding us of its never-ending relevance,' said Prof. Jacek Popiel, Rector of the Jagiellonian University.

YUFE Academy at the Nicolaus Copernicus University
The first followers of Nicolaus Copernicus' revolutionary theory it's the topic of the June open lectures of the YUFE Academy. The event is open to all who are interested.
Copernican astronomy in Shakespeare's times
The early reception of Nicolaus Copernicus' heliocentric theory in Shakespeare's England is the subject of a lecture that is part of the series "Nicolaus Copernicus in the Culture of Remembrance."

Film Summary
The Toruń inauguration of the World Copernican Congress began the celebrations of the Year of Nicolaus Copernicus. The NCU TV team prepared the footage summarising the February event.

The festival in a nutshell
The 21st Toruń Science and Arts Festival is fast approaching. The programme for this year's edition, whose theme is "Five Centuries after Copernicus", will include about 100 events. The event will last from 22 to 24 April.

Professor Peebles: discoveries are inevitable
In a special interview accompanying the inauguration of the World Copernican Congress at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Prof. Phillip James Edwin Peebles talked about the Copernican legacy, the impact of Copernicus' discoveries on the world of scientists, and the biggest challenges facing modern astronomy.

World Copernicus Congress launched
On February 19th, exactly on the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus' birth, the World Copernican Congress, which our University is organizing jointly with Jagiellonian University, the University of Warmia and Mazury and the Institute of the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences - was inaugurated.

Congress online
The recording of the events taking place in the NCU auditorium on February 19, 2023 related to the celebration of the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus can be viewed online.

Schools of Friends of Copernicus
As many as 250 institutions, including several from the Polish diaspora, have signed up for the "Schools of Friends of Copernicus" program jointly organised by the NCU Centre for Copernican Studies and the Nicolaus Copernicus Primary School No. 7 in Toruń.
Music and the Cosmos
This year's University Day concert was full of cosmic references. On February 18th, just a day before the 550th birthday of Nicolaus Copernicus, the Toruń Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Lithuanian maestro Dainius Pavilionis performed in the NCU Aula.
Around the world's most famous scientific book
The celebration of the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus' birth is accompanied by the exhibition "Of all books the most worthy of reading.... Around De revolutionibus," co-organized by the University Library.

We are entering the Copernican Year
The 550th anniversary of its patron's birth will be celebrated by the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń with the World Copernican Congress.
Nobel inauguration
Prof. Phillip James Edwin Peebles, a Canadian-American physicist, cosmologist, astrophysicist and astronomer, one of the pioneers of the theory of the formation of cosmic structures and winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, gave an opening lecture at the World Copernican Congress.

Upcoming World Copernican Congress
The World Copernican Congress, organised to mark the 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus, will begin on February 19th with a ceremony in the NCU Aula.